
Abacus covers a wide range of business sectors.

Our Ethos

At Abacus, our commitment is to be honest, consistent and fair in all of our dealings, holding ourselves to the highest ethical and professional standards.

Cost Management

Cost Management represents the core service of Abacus.

Whatever the project size, the level of service remains the same, is totally flexible and can be adapted to suit individual Client requirements.

At every stage of the project we will control the costs by working with our Client and the design team to clearly understand the requirements of all parties, with the ultimate aim of delivering the development on time and within the pre-determined budget. To make sure this goal is realised we select a surveyor with the most relevant experience to the scheme so they can draw upon their own knowledge and add value from day one. The surveyor will then advise the team on the most sensible procurement route, which will balance the key requirements of the scheme with the potential risks.

Rigorous procedures in the context of the agreed Scope of Service will ensure that costs are contained within the agreed project budget giving the Client certainty of outcome on cost and up to date knowledge of the financial status whenever it is required.

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Employer's Agent

For many Clients design and build provides a low risk, cost effective solution. We can provide the one stop service from the initial feasibility study, defining the employer's requirements and monitoring during the construction process. Abacus successfully undertake the role of Employer's Agent on numerous design and build projects for both Private and Public Sector Clients.

Utilising experienced qualified surveyors, we are involved from commencement through to completion, managing the design team during the pre-contract stages, and administering the Contract throughout the construction and post construction phases.

Our approach is tailored to suit the needs of individual Clients, dependent upon the type of project and which key elements are of strategic importance to the Client/end user.

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Fund & Project monitoring

Many projects involve external funding from one or more bodies. This may include banks, lottery funding or government backed funding organisations. Abacus has considerable experience of negotiating and liaising with these organisations having worked with Sport England for over 15 years.

Utilising our experienced surveyors, we can assist with the preparation of project review/due diligence reports, followed during construction by regular monitoring of site progress and expenditure, plus assessments of completion costs, all presented in user friendly reports.

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Advisory & Supports services

Abacus can provide support services such as Building Surveying and Principal Designer roles.

The Abacus building surveyors can support our Clients to manage, improve and develop all aspects of their property estate, together with establishing sound facilities management.

Our expert team provides a wide range of services including: condition surveys and forward maintenance planning, measured surveys, space planning, business cases, feasibility studies, design, project delivery, technical assurance, landlord and tenant advice, due diligence and defect diagnosis inspections.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 replaced the CDM 2007 Regulations on the 6th April 2015 with revised duty holder responsibilities and placed enhanced responsibilities on Clients. Abacus, acting as Principal Designer or CDM Consultant, can offer a support service that assists Clients to comply with their legal responsibilities.

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