Abacus News

Abacus was appointed by Sheffield City Council as Project Managers.

Sheffield Council has teamed up with The FA to invest in new football hubs in a bid to get more young people playing football on top class facilities.

Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards, cabinet member for neighbourhoods at Sheffield City Council, said: “The main aim is to halt the decline in football and turn it from a sport that requires subsidy into one that generates surplus, that can be invested in future facilities and the development of the sport.

“Football is Sheffield’s biggest team sport with over 800 teams, the majority of which are junior and youth teams. It is significant for sports participation, community activity and associated health benefits.

“This partnership with the FA is a great thing for our city. I’m delighted to see this grassroots scheme moving forward with the announcement of the third football hub site, which will also create a fantastic new public health facility in the south east of Sheffield.”

Read more: http://www.sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk/news/sheffield-on-the-ball-with-new-football-hubs-1-7587177#ixzz3zDU90fbk